What does “having it all” mean to you? Is it attainable?

According to me having it all means being able to reach your full potential and yes this is attainable. Self actualization is when you work towards increasing your usefulness to the full capacity. Being able to know yourself, your gifts, your passion and your calling and increasing your usefulness this will give you satisfaction and it will enable you have a meaningful fulfilled life.

Different people have different versions of what having it all means to them, for some it could be an additional zeros to their cheques, some it could mean buying that car, mansion, for some it could mean being able to command respect, and still some being able to have a liking and a following in the social media world and for some is to have that dream wife/husband or kids. Do I think that’s wrong to want all that, no, people should want different things and work to get them, but the question should be does this and that speak to the core of my being do they reasonate with the sole purpose of my creation and do they increase my usefulness here on earth.

How can one achieve self actualization? This is not something that is achieved overnight it is a process that have many stages to it but the questions one should always ask themselves along the way. Is this who I want to be? Is this my purpose in life? Is this speaking to my dreams and calling?, Does it increase my usefulness?, Is it in line with my principles and goals? And if I want to do this , if I want to be this kind of a person what is hindering me from achieving it? It does not only take knowing what you are meant to be doing and what your calling is but also you have to know why you have not been pursuing who you want to be and this will direct your path to the right direction.

As we start this new week let this be a moment of contemplation of how you can be the best version of yourself, get rid of the barriers, the fears and embrace faith and hope in the process. Be the best you can offer the world you owe God, yourself and the world that.

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