How do you want to retire?

How do I want to retire is a question that most of us think about but most of the time ignore until we can’t avoid the inevitable anymore. Before waiting for your retirement to come and meet you unaware why not choose to have it on your terms by planning and having a life of service that would be fulfilling even in your old age rather than waiting until midlife and old age catches you unaware and you start regretting of the very many things you would have done. I believe making a difference in a person’s life will follow you to your retirement.
Retirement can be a choice. You can choose to retire even before your reach your prime time for retirement. Many people will say go to school, get a job work until you are sixty years then retire. What of business people out there do they retire? Do they have a provision for when to retire? What of the entrepreneur who by the age of 40 He/she has enough to last him a lifetime? Do they also have to retire? This is a choice a person makes according to the kind of work-life they want to engage in for the rest of their lives. If you choose to be your boss. You will have the freedom to retire as you wish as compared to somebody else being your boss.
Retirement should be a period of giving back to the society. Have you ever thought how wonderful it is when people retire and give a biography of their lives what worked for them and what didn’t, teaching people mistakes that they made and how they learned from them? There is a quote that reads “Wisdom doesn’t come with age.” I believe a life well lived can be beneficial to young souls who are still navigating their way out in this world With age people can be knowledgeable by sharing their knowledge. Be among the Champions of a worthwhile retirement full of joy and fulfillment and not regrets and wishful thinking.
As I conclude, I would want my retirement to be a period of continuation of my life mission which is making a difference in other people’s lives. I believe one doesn’t have to make a difference in a million people to be fulfilled but that difference in one person’s life, that hope given to one soul, that food given to one family, that love shared by one despondent can make a difference in their lives. I believe one doesn’t have to be famous to make a difference, and one does have to be rich to make a difference, but that willing heart to bring change in somebody’s life is the most important thing. Aspire not only for big houses and vehicles but a big heart to see the needs of people in society.

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