An healthy lifestyle is not something that just happens. It is an intentional decision and choosing everyday to treat you body, mind and soul with utmost love lands respects by healthy habits like talking to someone when sad and choosing to drink water regularly. When you eat food as medicine you will not easy medicine as food. You have to be intentional with your healthy lifestyle goals. Do you take care of you body , brain and mind as delicate as they are. The way you take care of them is the same way they will take care of you in old age. Here are a few tips for healthy lifestyle to keep for the rest of your life.
- Less Television more of reading books, journals and biographies. Reading. Reading not only increases your knowledge and boosts you confidence but also it is food for the brain. A lot of screen time not only limits your brains growth but it makes you prone to lifestyle diseases such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension among others.
- Drink a lot of water. Drinking water is beneficial to your body and sets mood for your life as well. Taking lemon water before breakfast in the morning refresh your mind and body and improve your metabolism for food digestion. Taking lemon water in the evening also cleanses toxins that got into your body during the day. Make a culture of lemon water and take 8 to 12 glasses during the day. Taking water helps also in cutting excess weight, giving you a natural glow and improves your daily mood.
- Regular exercise. Make exercising your culture. Regular exercises improves productivity and sets your mood to be able to partake your daily activities. Engaging in daily exercises also improves your bodies health, tones your body, makes you glow, enables you to loose excess fats, improves blood circulation which is beneficial in growing your health. Exercising for 30to 60minutes daily could make a big difference in your health. Don’t wait until you get lifestyle diseases or get a doctor’s instruction to exercise. Prevent is better than cure.
- Practice Journaling. Journaling is bring able to write your daily plans, feelings, hopes and frustration. Being able to record them gives you a different view to how things really happened and enables you to deal with your reality and makes you be in the here and now. For instance, if someone offended you in a day, being able to journal your feelings could be like facing the person even if in reality it’s just a book. Journaling also helps put your plans in motion. When you journal you have already started your goals and this acts as a reminder so that you don’t lose focus. If you can’t tell everyone your plans and feelings the least you can do is do it in a book and it’s your secret for you to go back and refer and reflect.
- Get enough sleep. Sleep is important for naurishing your body and improving your brain and mind. Sleep reduces your fatigue and anxiety and gives you energy and peace of mind. If possible get 2 to 3hours of before midnight this will enable your brain to remove simulations that comes with the tasks of thinking, memorizing, organizing and getting things done it will be relaxed and recharge. Get at 7hrs to 8hrs of sleep daily and let you brain be relaxed and recharged to be able to do your future important tasks.
In conclusion, taking care of your health is very important. Just as you need your body to perform different functions. Your body also needs you to take of it. Be intentional in your endeavors to live a healthy lifestyle and then you won’t have to take medicine as food even a day in your life. Drink water, watch less, journal more, exercise more and get enough sleep.
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