What are you passionate about?

Let’s begin by understanding what is a passion? This is an activity that one does that bring a sense of accomplishment and joy and it brings pleasure to the doer. A passion is also defined as a strong feeling or enthusiasm towards something or taking a particular action. Passion is different from calling, job and a career. It may be all of the a above in the sense that your passion is your job at the same time its your calling and career., But most of the times passions are different from all the three above. Someone maybe passionate about playing football and then they make a lifetime job and career. And someone may be working as a teacher but their passion is in music.

How do you unlock your passion? First start by analyzing your days and what you spend most of your time and money on that bring satisfaction? It could be you spend your day making new connection and friends, your passion could be in those lines. Second analyze your strengths and achievements? What achievements meant the most to you it could be as simple as reading a book to the end. Third ask your self about the deep truths of what you care so much about and what doing some actions do to you. This could mean a striking conversations gives you energy. Ask yourself philosophical questions about what bring meaning to you and joy at the same time. Fourth seek the opinion of others I will dwell less on this as I had discussed indepth on my previous blog on “how to know what your good at?” This is essential being able to seek feedback from your close associations to get a better understanding of your passion. Be proactive and with time if you are consistent enough you will find your passion.

Now to the main agenda of this blog. How can one make money using a passion?

  • Open a business in your passion related field. If for instance your passion is in food industry or manufacturing or sales. Why not venture into it like a business man. This may look the simplest but it requires a lot of learning and unlearning but because it’s your passion you won’t find a problem with losing interest which is a plus for a business to thrive. For the example if you love baking why not try by selling your sweet cakes to your friends and neighbors before you widen your scope and gather enough capital to open your desired business. Build your brand and since your are done ng it from your heart be sure to add a little love to what you do. You will have to master your passionate skills dn also master the art of business to survivethe market competition.
  • Providing service. You can earn by providing services that are directly linked to your passion. This will require you to analyze whether your passion is a service. Then look for the niche in the market then try and fill that niche in the market. For example, if you are someone who is into public speaking. Yes, people will tell you there are many public speakers but none compares to yours, fine your uniqueness and tap into it for your benefit. Why would you provide services for free if there are people who are paying for the same service? Grow your service-related passion and market yourself and let people pay you for it.
  • Building a brand. This is about letting people know all about you and what you do and how that may be beneficial to them so that they can pay for the service accorded them. This maybe a brand through your websites which you sell a certain service. You may be passionate in writing you can build a brand on your books and get people to buy them by telling them all about your books. This takes time but it pays off in the long run because people will be paying for both your brand and your books or skills or services.

In conclusion, master your skills and passion and let them work for you. If you want to be an author be the best author you could ever be. Give your best out in the world there are few people who do that, don’t make a mediocre of your passion but rather use it to be an assets and improve your wellbeing and lifestyle and your financial situation.

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