What jobs have you had?

Have had a number of jobs and they were beneficial to me in a number of ways. Some were beneficial in my growth big time they made me who I am today, Some gave me monetary benefits, some made my character better by molding me into a person who knew what hard work is and what it meant. Being brought up by an hardworking mother myself, I had no option but to be the best in everything I do she would never accept half baked jobs either it was in something as little as cleaning the house, she demanded the most from me. I haven’t the privilege of choosing what I have to do, but my motto as always been as long as the job is legal, ethical, in line with my beliefs and principles and it will be beneficial to me in terms of experience among other things then I will be willing to do it.

Sometimes life may not give us the kind of jobs we dreamed of having and also we may not have the means to create them, but I believe take that opportunity that comes your way do your best and hope and plan to have the kind of job you dreamt to have. You can’t live without working forever (unless you are a daughter or a son of a Tycoon but even them they have to work in the family business) and there is an opportunity which you can’t take or don’t want to do because it’s not your area of specialization. What if that opportunity you passed was you door for your dream job? What if the job you let go was to give you, your partner for your future business? What if that chance was to be your saving grace? Take what life has to give to and do your best and life will reward you immensely for your hard work.

Technology has brought new approach to the job market which is skills. The mistake many graduates make is to think that theory only will be enough to guarantee them a job in a company that used to work but it may not work for you. Master some skills, grow skills that are needed in day to day running of businesses or the job you are searching for. Someone will ask how do I go about that when I am unemployed or a student? Do volunteer, go to work stations that engage in what you are studying and get exposed to real staff. Attend webinars and seminars that will impact you with the necessary skills. You may be computer literate certificate but lack know how on how to do real staff in it, get involved. Associate with people who can impact some meaning to you and your journey to work. Grow skills they will set you apart in that interview room from everybody else. For instance you may be a business administration student set yourself above everybody else by attending meeting of business minded people, reading financial books which are for your self education.

Lastly, Don’t let your job define or hinder your from getting your career. Many people after getting a job and the promise of a paycheck at the end of the month they forget to about their careers, passions and calling in life and when they realize it, it’s too late fore them. Grow your career it a lifetime goal but for a job it may be temporary but who you are what you were meant to be won’t change. Some get carried away but when it happens that the job comes to an end they don’t have anything for themselves. Remember no one and I mean absolutely no one will give you or make you who you want to be and the career you want for yourself you have to do the working. Am not saying don’t give your all into your current job I am simply saying be that best in what you do but don’t stop there get something for yourself to call it your own. Choose to be the best in whatever you do.

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