What are you good at?

What are you good at in other terms mean what do you do effortless that gives you massive result with fulfillment. Doing what you love no matter the kind of job it doesn’t feel like work at all. A friend of mine once said doing something you hate no matter if you are doing it for thirty minutes it feels like torture for three hours.

Here are five tips to get to know what you are good at:

  • Explore different fields and opportunities. Engage in different activities to give you exposure on how you perform in each of them. For instance you could try music, try writing , try public speaking and the list is endless when you engage in them you will give different energies to them which will be helpful not only in developing a new skill but also getting to know your passion.
  • Take as many personality test as possible. You can take these test to get to know the traits that stand out for you and what areas these traits are associated with. Examples of these tests are Meyer’s Briggs personality test, the four temperaments personality test, the love language tests, Disc assessment personality type and the list continues these you can find them over the internet. Choose at most five and note down you answers you will find that some of the traits are common for you this is a breakthrough for you.
  • Allow yourself to ask and take feedback. The best way to know what you are good at is to look at your past achievements and ask yourself what activity was I able to do and get the most of it and it was fulfilling as well. Also ask around your friends, partner, family members, parents. Ask them what do you think am good at, as for your parents you could ask what did I want to do as a child and how did that change from what am doing now be sure to get most of this by being open minded to the responses you will get. After getting a list look for those things which are similar responses from different people.
  • Talk to God. In the bible we find God told Jeremiah before I formed you I knew you and I had a plan for your life. The surest and best way to know what you are good at in life is Talking to God . Ask him what He has planned for you and be patient to get His response and follow His plan. People who dwell on God to determine their lives they live meanful and purposeful fulfilling lives.. Sometimes you may not get the answer instantly be patient and press on until you get a response. We don’t find His plan for our lives because we ask not.
  • Lastly, invest in yourself. Invest in reading to grow your mind, invest in enrolling to seminars and webinars that will help you grow. Invest in getting to know yourself more. Always ask yourself these questions what am I here to do? Why am I not doing it? What’s blocking my growth? What’s my passion in life? What’s my goal in life? What legacy will I leave? What’s my calling ? What’s are my gifts? What are my strengths? What are my weakness.? You owe yourself to find out who you are and what you are blessed in doing.

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