What personal belongings do you hold most dear?

I hold relationships dear to me because I believe material things come and go but a heart full of love can heal a broken heart. I hold my relationships dear since once broken they can’t be mended unlike a broken vehicle insurance can take care of it but a relationship is very delicate. My personal relationship with my partner, family, friends, collegues they are to be tended with a lot of care and love. It’s not easy to mend a broken heart.

Relationships are to be maintained by these three things: love, respect and communication. Love this means being able to put the needs of the other person first, being able to offer words of affirmation when one does something worthy of praise, encouraging one another, bearing each other’s burden and also being to listen to the needs/expectations of the other person. Love begets love if the other person feels loved most likely they will reciprocate. Communication just like love is the connection in the relationship. Constant, meaningful, captivating conversations develops the bond between people. And respect is what maintains the love and communication, being able to honour the views of other people and listen to them without being judgemental and without diluting their ideas with yours makes other people want to continue with the relationship. Develop a need to listen before commenting. And be open minded for it takes more than one person to build a relationship be a builder and not a destroyer.

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