What is the legacy you want to leave behind?

Over the last few years and the coming years people are becoming more lovers of money and self than lovers of their neighbors. I want people to remember me for being a human being with a clean heart as to hearken to the needs of other and doing all in my power to help them.

Have you ever thought how amazing it would have been if you checked on that neighbor you stay with on the same building. In big cities people are busy with looking for money to an extend someone can die and a week and another will pass without even people knowing he/she is no more. How great would be if we kept checking on them. Maybe your neighbor is asthmatic and they died because they had an attack and the inhaler was too far would it have been prevented if we showed a little kindness, yes it would have. I want to leave a legacy where checking on our neighbors is not seen as intrusion but rather as an act of concern, care and love.

Terrace once said “Charity begins at home” this is a famous quote that most of us have heard about but do we practice it. Do we really show our loved ones what it means to have a safe haven in our families. People always travel far and wide for acts of charity to give back to society. The story of Judah in the bible when he was complaining about the woman who was anointing Jesus with ointment that should have been sold and given to the poor Jesus rebuked him by telling him the poor will always be among you. What is the essence of travelling far and wide while there is that needy relative around you. That cousin struggling to make ends meet, those uncles struggling to raise fee for their family or that sister who doesn’t have a source of income but you could open a small business for her or give her a connection to find work. I want to leave a legacy of being our brother’s and sister’s keeper.

I want to leave a legacy where helping out our friends should be our call and that should not make one jealous when the friend grow and surpasses us. When Proverbs speaks of a friend who sticks closer than a brother it means like David and Johnathan friendship that was built on love and concern for each other. Who is your friend? Do you help them out? Do you wish their growth? Do you care about their needs. I believe in having few friends who stick closer than a brother. A friend who will always have your back and I believe I have to be that friend first.

Lastly I would love to leave a legacy where helping others should not be publicized in social media and magnificent photos. What your right hand does your left hand should not know, why go to a children’s home visit and the you take pictures of what you took there. We should learn from the best in acts of Kindness Jesus himself, whenever he healed or helped the needy he warned them them not to make news public. Question are you making it public so that people will feed your ego with how kind you are. If giving is not silent then it has lost it meaning altogether. I want to leave a legacy where people will choose to be kind and help others without announcing it. If I am to die to day I would love people to carry on being kind to others, kind to family, kind to friends and and kind to the society at large. And that’s the legacy I will leave making a difference in one, two or more people’s lives. So what would you leave to the world?.

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