Have you ever broken a bone?

Have I ever broken a bone? Yes. But today I want to share on the part of your loved one breaking a bone or getting into an accident. It is never easy for loved ones to go through that traumatizing experience. Some people when they get into such trying times they loose themselves in the process.

First they start feeling lost and go into despair which makes them to push you away by them feeling like they are a burden to you as you have to take care of them and even sometimes clean them. They have to deal with things like lost self esteem for example if the person likes sport and now their legs or arms amputated it lowers their self esteem and they start feeling hopelessness. They feel like nothing is in control and this affects their relationship with others. If the injured person was the breadwinner the remaining person’s start to bear the burden of providing for the family and this is what has lead to many people fleeing their family after the accident. This is the time you need to be close to them.

Second, if the person injured person succumbs to death , the grieving people losses a father, a mother, a sibling, a relative and even a friend and things at never the same again they have to start figuring out things on their own and it’s never a easy journey. Some loose their lives to suicide after loosing someone who was dear to them. But you must hold on and there is always hope and strength to keep you going.

Lastly, when a person gets into an accident and is injured it’s not them only who will get injured but their friends and families gets into traumas that is rarely spoken about. And even when the injured person feels like a burden to other be sure to reassure them that all will be okay it may seem insignificant but it will save a life.

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