Are you a leader or a follower?
In life you can’t always choose to be a leader or a follower. You can at one point be a leader and at another point be a follower. A good student of life will tell you be both. Leaders are expected to show the way and give direction while followers are expected to take note of of the guidelines and do accordingly. Being both means you can express sense of control but also listening to correction while you’ve gone wrong.

Here are few qualities that are displayed when a person becomes both a leader and a follower. You become empathetic – this is a person who tries to understand other people’s problems as they themselves see them and finds a solution that is a win-win all the cases. You become a listener – most tend to lean on expressing direction and little effort is given to listening to the people you are leading. You lead by example – when you listen more you understand more and hence people are inclined to follow your directions. You become more productive – when you listen and communicate accordingly with others you will create a healthy relationship for the team and that’s leads to every one feeling heard and people tend to do more when there is less animosity.

Choose to be not only a good leader but a great leader and follower who leads by examples and follows by listening to other opinions by inspiring confidence in others.
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That’s true 👏