There some things in life no matter how organized or prepared you are they always catch us by surprise. That could be that business partner you had planned everything and they bail out the last minute before the launch, it could be the loss of a loved one who you had a meal or told stories a few minutes ago, it could be loss of your investment income that leaves you penniless, it could be that job you held so dear but you are let go without prior notice, it could be that relationship that the other partner decided to move on without a heads up and so many other unexpected situations they always catch us unaware.

First we have to understand the unforeseen or unexpected is like grief you will undergo all grieving processes that is you will first be in denial that all that could not happen for instance if it’s a job you will be like but I did my best why did I have to get laid off it’s not true and you mind will not accept the truth at that moment, then you will become angry with yourself, the surrounding, your friends and even God-thus is the time you might even question where God was when all this was happening for instance if it’s break up you maybe be angry and bitter with your ex partner. After all the anger subsides now it the bargaining chip period which will make you even beg for consideration in the same job or relationship or bargaining with God and making vow like if you do this I will do that, while trying to convince yourself. There after you will go into a period of depression which makes you loose interest in people, become isolated, loose interest in activities and feeling like all is lost which is always not the case until you hit the final stage of acceptance that for instance the job is gone now what next, the relationship is gone and now that’s what people will call rising from the rock. bottom.

Secondly, after the painful grieving period it now time for you to rise up and face the music. Do your due diligence analyze where things went wrong if it happened on your part’s negligence but if they are things beyond your control like death give yourself time to heal and process everything. Time heals wounds it may not be a walk in the park or happen on a short period of time take as much as time you may need .

Lastly now is time to move on and focus on the future. I will explain this with a story a young entrepreneur whom I will call Jane really trusted in Her business partner until the partner betrayed her and left with the company’s finances she felt devasted but she couldn’t afford that as she had family to take care of she began her journey towards success from the bottom and learning through the painful period until now she has an enterprise she is proud of. All is not lost the future is bright if you’re are willing and ready to reach out and get it..

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