A lot of people have been doing things which they never intended to or it’s not yet time for them to do them. People are getting into a culture of marrying because their friends are already married, Opening a business because another person is doing it and even doing a course because you had that your neighbor is doing the same. That’s where we all go wrong. In this life your timeline is not somebody else timeline. Do you ask yourself why am I doing this is it because it is in line with my calling, my being my passion or is it because everyone else around me is doing it.

When we begin to question our actions we will act according to our timeline and not succumb to societal pressure. Why would you want to be in a situation that is mentally draining for the sake of pleasing your peers. Learn to live according to you purpose and meaning in life. Many relationships don’t work because people went in with the wrong motivation. Many businesses fail because deep down you wanted to be better than that neighbor forgetting that God gave you different gifts. Many marriages end up in divorce because all you wanted was to fit in. Before you do or take a major decision in your life(relationship, work, education, Business etc) ask yourself these questions 1) Do I really want to do this? 2) What is the motivation for doing it? 3) Is it the right time to do it? 4) Is it in line with my goals, dreams and my God given abilities. Afterwards make informed decision from within, it will help you live a life of no regrets.

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