Have you ever had a love-hate relationship? In my opinion, most people have one. But just what is the difference between these two emotions? Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? Let’s talk about that and more in this blog.

Love hate relationships are good and bad all at once. They’re not quite like friends or family because they can be intense, without being continually consistent. Sometimes they drive you crazy but many times they do make you happy so take both into account when determining how to deal with them in your life.
First, let’s talk about the different types of relationships. There are three main types: friendships, family relationships and romantic relationships. You’ll probably have some mixture of these three types throughout your life and they will probably encompass more than one type at any given time. They are all different on their own but they do share some things in common with one another. For example, they all involve people coming together for a common purpose and at that moment, they consider themselves to be a group or family with their own goals and goals for everyone involved – both immediate and long term. So, when someone is in a love hate relationship, it’s not just about how they feel about one or both people in the relationship, but how they feel about everybody and their own goals for the broader group or family. This is what makes relationships complicated.
In most cases – especially in the beginning – love hate relationships are good because they let us do things, we would normally not be able to do. It has a freeing effect on our lives and almost becomes like an escape or a release from everything that causes us stress. However, it can become abusive if we take it too far. Caring for someone can be a burden, and if that person does not reciprocate, it can cause both people in the relationship to become angry.
There are also many benefits to love hate relationships. Sometimes, being in one is a great thing to have. It may help you see things from other perspectives and gain new ideas or skills that you didn’t previously have. But it can also be very toxic because of how it causes us to treat each other. For example, if you are always angry at someone – no matter how much they do for you – then they will feel like they have no control over your feelings for them, as well as their own feelings about themselves. They may want to avoid you at all costs, so they might become distant, or they may feel the need to prove their love by doing the things that you want from them. In either case, they will be driven by your emotions instead of their own.
Adopting a love hate relationship can lead to a lot of trouble in our lives. It can make us feel like we have nothing else to live for, and we can begin to abuse other people who try to reach out to us. We may end up thinking that our relationships with everyone else in life are only based on whether or not we are getting what we want from them. In order to get you what you want, they do not have to love you; they might even hate you. They might leave – or even worse – hurt you.
Think about it this way: if a person who has access to a great deal of power over whom we are connected by love hate relationships often does not care about his or her own feelings toward us, then why should we? It’s like having the worst boss and being forced to handle all of the tasks for yourself. You may feel helpless and frustrated about the situation because instead of receiving help, you are receiving condemnation from those that have supposed power over your situation.
In the end, it’s a choice we have to make. How do you want to live your life? What are you focusing on? Are you helping each other or hurting each other? One person can be the wrong person for you, well, even if they never act on their feelings against you but that doesn’t mean that they should not have a say in how their own feelings are acted upon. But at the same time, in order to show them how much they matter to us (i.e., our love) we must treat them like we would treat someone who truly mattered – especially if they are with us for our own good and not just according to our wishes.
So, how do we end up in love hate relationships? It’s actually pretty simple: we want something and that thing is not readily available to us. If they suddenly showed up in our lives, we would be overjoyed. But when I want something, does that mean you are supposed to give it to me? Not necessarily. Some things can’t be obtained until the right conditions arise – even if it takes years – so what do we do then? We go into standby mode and wait for those conditions to emerge. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t want them in our lives; it just means that we know we can’t have them now and it hurts to be separated from something you really like.
So, the next step is to move on, but if you didn’t already have love hate relationships in your life before you got into this situation, then they will probably enter into your life anyway. Why? Because when people think that they might not ever get something back from someone else, they begin to view their relationship with that person as one of love hate relationships – one where they appreciate everything the person does for them but at the same time, feel angry and bitter about not getting what they want. The next time you are in a love hate relationship with someone, you should ask yourself if the person you are having this type of relationship with is truly worth it. I mean, how long can you keep going like this? It’s hard to be happy when you’re in love hate relationships all the time because no matter who you are, no one is perfect and even if we love someone and want to give them everything they want in life, there will always be something that gets in the way that we can’t control – unless we stop letting our emotions take control of us.
The person who is supposed to receive your love might not always feel or show it because they don’t feel that they have your attention. As a result, you may feel disappointed. It doesn’t matter how much attention you give them; there are always going to be things that you can’t control. So, what do these people do? They end up losing hope in ever getting what they want from the person they love because of how much he or she can’t give them. But someone who truly loves us will not see it this way because they know that we have their best interests at heart and will try our hardest to get them what they need – even if we sometimes don’t get it back as soon as we would like. But that’s part of being in a relationship with someone who truly loves us – being compassionate and understanding. If you’re thinking that you want to have a love hate relationship, know this: the person that wants it may not always be right for you and if they are, then they will eventually find someone else who can give them what they want. If you don’t think about these things ahead of time, then when you get into such a situation, there is no way for you to get out without getting hurt.
Think of it this way: imagine getting into an accident on your way to work one day only to find out that your boss made a mistake about where he would be sending you the next day. You would probably feel angry and frustrated but at the same time, you would know that it was his fault and you cannot do anything about it because ultimately, you are the one who has to deal with a lot of stress (i.e., stress from the boss) so why not get revenge (i.e., karma) on him? It’s a tough way to live your life, don’t you think? It’s better to try and make your relationship with someone based on love before you turn the other person into an enemy just because they can’t be there for you all of the time. But if you feel as though you are in love hate relationships all of the time, then it’s probably a sign that it’s not meant to be.
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