Let’s get a background of this epidemic Covid-19. This virus comes from the same family of SARS and MERS . The outbreak of SARS in China 2002 and 2003 it had severe effects on health since it killed a large number of people before vaccine was found. The psychological effects of SARS was also severe since it caused emotional sadness and this destroyed a person when a member lived in the hospital and they were restricted to see the family members and this lead to anxiety and mental disorders. This SARS also had serious effects on the China economy since it affected hospitality and tourism sector and also transport sector which is one of the China’s backbone. Asian state lost approximately of 50-100 billion due to travel cancellation and lockdown and health issues.
The outbreak of MERS was discovered in 2012 in Saudi Arabia and it spread to parts of South Korea it affected people’s health and a third of all the individuals diagnosed with it succumbed to death it also affected the economy of Saudi Arabia and other countries affected well they were trying to contain the virus and also find a vaccine for it also during this time travelling was regulated ends massive losses and death in the transport sector.
Covid-19 is more severe than the two viruses because its effects and it spreads faster to more people. This virus has forced many countries to lockdown. And also killed a large number of people and many casualties with a short period of time.
Effects of China’s lockdown
China’s lockdown will have impact on the political, social and economical. The lockdown will affect the global economy in different aspects like investors,stock market, transport sector, supply and demand chain. Proactive countries, societies and individuals are performing far better than reactive ones. Governments that engage in truth telling are heading off dangers faster that those than those that hide it delay. Us and Europe economy to be affected because of their excessive dependence on China for crucial supply chains that reach from pharmaceuticals to “rare earth” materials used in almost all high tech gear .80% of pharmaceuticals sold in US are produced in China.
Slowdown of economic growth and job losses. Close down of restaurants,bars, sporting events and theaters. Global debt due to this virus is nearing 244 trillion. Due to this lockdown citizens are forced to adopt working from home which is hard due to the conservative work culture of the Chinese peninsula.Though working from home has its own advantages like building family relations and also disadvantages like working from home is making administration and supervision difficult but what if these conditions continue globally we will all be forced to adopt to new work strategies which does not require physical movements.
Other countries that have been affected by coronavirus has also locked down including Italy and Iran, investors also have there worries in investing in China’s companies because they are dealing with lost revenue and disruption of supply chains due to China’s factory shutdowns. Also in transport sector has been severely affected has airlines cancellation has lost $113 billions since the outbreak.
Social impacts.
The virus has encouraged individualism which is a vice due to shutdown of institutions which limits social interactions. Discrimination of individuals who have been diagnosed with the virus are being neglected and discriminated in all parts of the world and this brings panic and attention to them and also their family members this can lead to anxiety and mental disorders and they also need psychological counseling which they can’t get because of the quarantine or being isolated for long periods when undergoing medications. Public health is a scary person and deeply emotional issue because so much remains unknown about this virus ,how contagious it is how far it has spread or even how reliable diagnosis it is hard to separate fact from fiction this brings panic. It has also created inqualities as well as increasing existing social inequalities that were already experienced in pre-pandemic because of one voice which gives the information and the truth is still unknown.
Political implication
Let’s analyze the political part of this novel. To protect tourism industry and the image of the political leaders and their government correct information is rarely displayed this happens because they promise people that it still safe to travel to the country even when there are individuals who have been diagnosed with Corona virus which spreads very fast this Coronavirus epidemic poses a serious challenge to the Chinese Communist party-state. The China government still lacks the effective social and institutional systems of copying and containing Corona virus and is a truth told to the citizens? No because they want to protect there said to be good image. This virus is also seen as a conspiracy between States like is Russian is accusing the US for manufacturing the virus as a weapon but also the virus as paused a threat to The legacy of the Chinese President xi jinping. Because he fears economy crisis and international embarrassment this can be seen when the Doctor who leaked the information about about the state and the spread of Corona virus succumbed to death and also it can be seen in other States where the the airplane workers were fired for leaking information about travel dates to and from China despite the Corona virus and it has caused friction among Nations lastly let’s tackle China and Hong Kong China and Hong Kong as a 2 unit in 2047 and this also has an effect because Corona virus is spreading to hongkong despite the political strikes it has how will it be contained in if the Chinese mainland want to control them this friction and many others has become the effect and impact caused by the Corona virus.
The Coronavirus is like an eye-opener to new work strategies. The implications it has on employment sector is more dire than any other outbreak ever seen because it has affected more places than SARS and MERS so we should be prepared to adapt to new ways of work and career.
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